Damian Tracey
Damian’s background and experience are a mixture of industrial, public practice and academic. After qualifying he spent 15 years in senior finance roles with a variety of companies ranging from family owned businesses to UK and US multinational organisations. Working in industries that included engineering, shoe manufacturing, retailing, packaging and printing, he gained broad-based experience in traditional and high-tech environments. He is a fellow of both CIMA and ACCA and holds practice certificates from both of them.
His interests extended beyond the rather narrow confines of accounting within a multinational organisation and he set up his own practice in 1988. Starting by providing management accounting and systems consultancy services he extended into management consultancy and training. It was at this time that he gained a Masters Degree in Business Administration.
Studying for the MBA sparked an interest in the academic content of management development and he joined the staff of Northampton Business School , where he spent six years as a Senior Lecturer in Management, whilst remaining in practice on a part-time basis. He taught Business Strategy and Finance on a variety of undergraduate, postgraduate and professional courses.
Since returning to the practice full time he has also been involved in management consultancy, training and teaching through The Volkswagen Management Centre, London Management Centre and The Wadenhoe Centre.
He has retained links with Higher Education teaching part-time at Aston Business School on management accounting programmes, Lancaster University overseas corporate programmes and Ulster University’s Master’s in Executive Leadership .

Mahmood Reza